Phlebotomy Programs in Michigan

How to Become a Phlebotomy in Michigan and Lobotomy Programs in Michigan

For every doctor or nurse who seems to get the credit for a patients recovery, there are the unsung heroes who go above and beyond everyday to make sure that patients are receiving the care they deserve. Some of the most crucial tasks in a medical facility are done by phlebotomists. With a number of excellent phlebotomy programs in Alabama, you can stop wondering about how to become a phlebotomy professional in Michigan and start taking the steps necessary to join this rewarding and challenging profession. If you are interested in helping individuals by working in the healthcare industry, it is worth learning more about this profession.

The first step to becoming a phlebotomy professional in Michigan is to understand the necessary certifications in order to become qualified for an entry-level position in this field. Before enrolling in a phlebotomy programs in Michigan, you should first find out whether or not the institution you are interested in has the proper accreditation. While some employers may not place a great deal of importance on a schools accreditation, others will immediately pass over otherwise qualified individuals if their degree was earned from an institution that is not properly accredited. It is also good idea to find out whether or not potential employers require any certain certifications.

On average, entry-level phlebotomy positions pay between $12 an hour and $15 an hour. If you are interested in how to become a phlebotomy professional in Michigan, you may want to consider taking a few specialized courses once you have enrolled in phlebotomy programs Michigan in order to make yourself more attractive to potential employers. Generally speaking, a person who has received additional training above and beyond what is required a will make a higher wage than those who did not.

While some medical professions require an individual to spend several years in an institution of higher learning, a person wondering how to become a phlebotomy professional in Michigan may be happy to find out that an Associate’s degree can be earned in as little as two years. The phlebotomy programs in Michigan can provide you with the education you need to enter the rewarding and lucrative field of phlebotomy so that you can start challenging yourself and making a very real difference in the lives of individuals that you meet on a daily basis. Skilled and qualified phlebotomists are in high demand throughout the state and the country.

Phlebotomy Schools Near You & Online in Michigan

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Sponsored Listings

Everest Institute

Sanford-Brown College

Everest Institute

Kaplan Career Institute

  • 3031 West Grand Boulevard, Suite 236 Detroit, MI 48202
    Programs: Phlebotomy
    (313) 456-8100

Everest Institute

Sanford-Brown College

Career Quest Learning Centers

  • 208 E. Washington Avenue, Ste. 241 Jackson, MI 49201
    Programs: CNA, Phlebotomy
    (517) 990-9595

Michigan Academy of Emergency Services and Allied Health

  • 437 Fern Ave., Ste A Jackson, MI 49202
    Programs: CNA, EMT Paramedic, Medical Assistant, Phlebotomy
    (517) 796-9452

Everest Institute

Career Quest Learning Centers

  • 3214 S. Pennsylvania Avenue Lansing, MI 48909
    Programs: CNA, Phlebotomy

Michigan Academy of Emergency Services and Allied Health

  • 17612 Commerce Rd, Suite 100 New Boston, MI 48164
    Programs: CNA, EMT Paramedic, Medical Assistant, Phlebotomy
    (734) 753-9991

Career Quest Learning Centers

Everest Institute